Showing posts with label Independence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Independence is a sham

Continuing the topic about Independence and it's relation with Man.

I talked about how man is inter-dependent on his brethren and his environment for his happiness, contentment and progress.

"I have a Dream," said Martin Luther King Jr.

"I want freedom for the full expression of my personality"
Mahatma Gandhi

Currently security of man is a hot topic.
Safety of people has become such an important issue.
Man cannot trust man.

Result: Check points everywhere.

Want to Travel? You have to empty all your pockets, open your suitcase, and be prepare to expose oneself in those unique TCA machines. People try to convince themselves by saying it is for safety purpose. Sure, we have no choice but to open up in the name of one's safety.

Want to express yourself? Unfortunately, these days only the media and the politicians seem to have independence with regards what to write, what to think and how to act. A common man who is working hard and paying his taxes has no say in this matter. However, this person is allowed to walk and stroll along the streets, but opinions do not count!

He has to follow the rules stamped by the legislature.

Fear has inflicted man to wear a mask where there is ugliness and trash talk, thus dampening his other rights such as speech and action fearlessly.

My 2 cents
We all are living a life of a sham, pretense where happiness is shallow. Let us create a ripple of positivity so that awareness becomes an important factor. Man should be able to enjoy his Freedom of Speech, and Action. It is his birthright. It is the path that our leaders fought for. We have to maintain that legacy for our future generation.

Mantra for today: Life is meaningful if, lived with a purpose.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Man's Independence

This week, I will highlight the various channels where man illusions about independence.

As soon as Man is born, he longs for independence. The freedom to do things, the ability to go anyplace. He yearns for flexibility, power, and privileges.

But, honestly Independence is just a myth.

We cannot do anything on our own. We all are in a circle of life where we are dependent on each other for our freedom, joy, happiness and even sorrows.

Man being a social animal. We are dependent on our loved ones. If they are happy, we can enjoy and have the liberty and freedom to move around or else we will be coop around them.

Joy and Sorrow are two sides of a coin, and we all are attracted to each of them as they impart wisdom and joy to man. This allows him to grow not only physically but also spiritually.

As man continues to make his decisions on what to wear, work, eat and play. His decisions are dependent on his aides around him. He will not be happy for long if he continues to tread on the path based on his decisions.

Man is happy in unison and thus, eventually his decisions will become biased. Community plays an important role in man's welfare and progress. Thus, making him inter-dependent on his fellow brethren.

Mantra for today: A community in consonance is a proof of happiness and progress.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Independence on 4th of July

FTSF is here. Join in the fun. Today's sentence is:

The best fourth of July I had was when I turned 18

4th of July signifies independence!

I was given the liberty to make my own decisions after I turn 18.

I do not deny that I made all the right decisions in life, but to fall and then get up and lick my wounds is another way to get going!


I made quite a few blunders and wasted some money of my parents.  Allowing me to trod on a path without any guards, was the decision, thus there was no argument at home.

Computer programming was one of them.

Being a chemistry major, I was told that Computer programming is like writing a recipe, and since I had been making concoctions in my lab on a daily basis. I thought of venturing into the BASIC  programming language.

Example :
PUT "What is your name: ", UserName$
PRINT "Hello "; UserName$
  INPUT "How many stars do you want: ", NumStars
  Stars$ = STRING$(NumStars, "*")
  PRINT Stars$
    INPUT "Do you want more stars? ", Answer$
  LOOP UNTIL Answer$ <> ""
  Answer$ = LEFT$(Answer$, 1)
LOOP WHILE UCASE$(Answer$) = "Y" 
PRINT "Goodbye "; UserName$

Unfortunately, my logic would not work.

What's in a name? Why need stars? What for?

Seriously, do you get it?

I remember my computer instructor would ask us to make such weird programs, which made no sense.

Result: My brain did not absorb any logistics of this class. I suffered for 6 long months. All that was taught bounced off my gray matter. I was left with bitterness since firstly wasted money and secondly, I was left confused why do they say that computer programming is like writing a recipe.

I left that statement as is, and continued on with my life.

Mantra for today: Sometimes, things unresolved is the key to happiness